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Pattonville army takes full control in La Republica del Karolia Thu Jan 22, 5373 Aircraft Carrier Group 'USS Yorktown' attacks the city of 'Abarda'
After the attack, the president of La Republica del Karolia is reported to have left the country and a new
government approved by Pattonville has been nominated.
La Republica del Karolia (the
attacked country) reports:
The city of Abarda is for 21.6% damaged.
There were 7183 casualties and 7088 civilians were wounded.
weapon losses were reported.
Pattonville (the attacker) reports:
On the Pattonville side no losses were reported.
The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
Light Earth Quake hits V101 Thu Jan 05, 5373
The official magnitude of the earthquake was 6.0 which
was felt in the whole country. 7047 were killed and 17108 persons were wounded. 33180 were displaced by the earthquake.