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Fearless Blue: Jul 22 5318
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Corporations in The United Kingdom of Mangra

Number of Corporations in your Country  21Number of Corporations
Number of State Controlled Corporations  21Number of State Corporations
Number of CEO Controlled Corporations  0Number of Private Corporations
Number of National Corporations  0 
Number of Employees in all Corporations  6,369,053Employees in Corporations
Number of Employees in State Controlled Corporations  6,369,053Employees in State Corporations
Number of Employees in CEO Controlled Corporations  0Employees in Private Corporations
Tax Percentage  30 
Profit Contributions by State Controlled Corporations  50 
About Corporations
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The Corporations

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sort corporations by product
  State Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Chali Light Artillery Shells 255.67B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image New Your Defensive Missiles 399.26B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Verdes Defensive Missiles 454.51B SC$   None OK 0 % 100 %
image Navajohill Anti Tank Missile B 460.16B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Maraton Cars 288.35B SC$   None shortage 6 % 100 %
image Mati Cars 411.44B SC$   None low 0 % 100 %
image Palmdesert Cars 248.87B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Paradiso Cars 237.59B SC$   None shortage 67 % 100 %
image Ballinger Medical Equipment 359.19B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Branson Luxury Goods 192.06B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Chiba Construction 226.23B SC$   None shortage 104 % 100 %
image Essig Nuclear Defense Missiles 408.01B SC$   None OK 84 % 100 %
image Sunmida Nuclear Defense Missil 445.18B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Encia Factory Maintenance 226.53B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Junie Factory Maintenance 268.45B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Bentossa Ammunition Components 246.74B SC$   None shortage 30 % 100 %
image Morro Airforce Maintenance 350.04B SC$   None low 104 % 100 %
image Bernburg Mobile Devices 230.86B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Hellia Assets Maintenance 207.32B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Bibonta Robotics 240.99B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Sarangani Robotics 224.77B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %

No new corporations are currently under construction.

There are no pending requests to locate corporations in The United Kingdom of Mangra.

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