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Fearless Blue: Jun 22 5318
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Corporations in The Grand State of Shurika

Number of Corporations in your Country  23Number of Corporations
Number of State Controlled Corporations  21Number of State Corporations
Number of CEO Controlled Corporations  2Number of Private Corporations
Number of National Corporations  0 
Number of Employees in all Corporations  7,227,397Employees in Corporations
Number of Employees in State Controlled Corporations  6,571,484Employees in State Corporations
Number of Employees in CEO Controlled Corporations  655,913Employees in Private Corporations
Tax Percentage  30 
Profit Contributions by State Controlled Corporations  50 
About Corporations
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The Corporations

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sort corporations by product
  State Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Rotberg Interceptor Missiles 445.47B SC$   None shortage 106 % 100 %
image Huron Missile Interceptors 390.57B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Louise Missile Interceptors 431.51B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Zafat Missile Interceptors 462.02B SC$   None shortage 33 % 100 %
image Manoa Light Artillery Shells 333.19B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Hebron Defensive Missiles 443.20B SC$   None OK 0 % 100 %
image image Elizabeth Strategic Bombs 15.58B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Arden Land Based Cruise 379.34B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Ludwill Other Food Products 484.58B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Justy Building Materials 299.68B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Alexandria Cars 313.66B SC$   None OK 85 % 100 %
image Raton Computers 300.19B SC$   None OK 85 % 100 %
image Lutton Home Equipment 269.75B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Wurzen Jewelry 305.89B SC$   None shortage 106 % 100 %
image image Vanguard Military Transport Ai 20.73B SC$   None shortage 104 % 100 %
image Entrik Pharmaceutical Products 631.98B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Claremont Ammunition Component 350.85B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Batista Airforce Maintenance 271.98B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Rotberg Def Weapons Maintenanc 445.92B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Greenfield Str Weapons Mainten 243.87B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Washington Str Weapons Mainten 208.10B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %

  Privately Held Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Klinton bar Missile Intercepto 434.37B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Alsip Medical Equipment 313.90B SC$   None OK 107 % 100 %

No new corporations are currently under construction.

There are no pending requests to locate corporations in The Grand State of Shurika.

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