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Fearless Blue: Dec 24 5321
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Welcome to "La Republica del Vittellia"

Easy to start 
President:  Simcountry 
Government Type:  Presidential Democracy 
Start Date:    
World:  Fearless Blue 
Continent:  Paova Major 
Region:  West Seneca 
Empire:  Single Country 
Nuclear Power:  No 
Federation:  None 
Common Market:  None 
War Level:  Level 0 
War Status:  Not at war 
War Protection:  No war protection 
Country Score:  Country score is 0.00 
Game Level:   
important things to do
president message
the national anthem
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Score and World Rating

This country does not have a president and has therefore no rating.

List of the 300 best performing presidents and awards.
Presidents Hall of Fame for Fearless Blue.


The rating is calculated from many indexes. The most important ones are listed below.

i  Population Size  29,956,576 
i  Education Index  125.16 
i  Health Index  133.70 
i  Social Security  82.55 
i  Employment Index  70.87 
i  Transportation Index  120.29 
i  Business and Trade Index  80.20 
i  Finance Index  68.29 
i  War Situation Index  53.33 
i  Defense Index  33.87 
i  Defensive Force Index  66.58 
i  Offensive Force Index  2.27 
i  Strategic Force Index  0.00 
  Welfare Index  94.42 
  Assets  15,636.13B SC$ 
i  Corporation Value  8,156.07B SC$ 

News Flash

  La Republica del Vittellia Daily Telegraph, Dec 24, 5321  
International News

No News in December 5321
Currently no news has been received.

  Fearless Blue Daily Telegraph, Dec 24, 5321  
International News

No News in December 5321
Currently no news has been received.