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Fearless Blue: Jun 23 5322
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General Defense Statistics
  Index   Size   Cost  
Defensive Force  26.76Defensive Force Index 154,755Size of the Defensive Force 4,000.66M SC$Cost of the defensive forces
Offensive Force  4.49Offensive Force Index 10,733Size of the Offensive Force 730.64M SC$Cost of the offensive forces
Strategic Force  0.00Strategic Force Index 0Size of the Strategic Force 0.00M SC$Cost of the strategic forces
Military Equipment  - -  0.00M SC$Cost of military equipment
Total Defense Force  14.51Defence Index 165,488Total Size of the Army 4,731.30M SC$Total cost of defence
| | Army Documentation |
Read how to setup and maintain your army

Review the army staff of this country. The number of soldiers and officers in any branch of the army, depends on the numbers of weapons that are available for the army. The number will increase if more weapon systems are purchased and will be reduced by war.

Army Staff - Active Defense Force
Professional Soldiers  0The Number of Professional Soldiers
Drafted Soldiers  121,390Soldiers
Professional Officers  0The Number of Professional Officers
Drafted Officers  44,098Officers
Total Number in the Army  165,488Total Size of the Army
Army Staff - Professional Force
Professional Soldiers in Mobile Units  0   
Professional Soldiers in Other Units  0   
Unemployed Professional Soldiers  0   
Total number of Professional Soldiers     0The Number of Professional Soldiers
Professional Officers in Mobile Units  0   
Professional Officers in Other Units  0   
Unemployed Professional Officers  0   
Total number of Professional Officers     0The Number of Professional Officers
Total Number of Professionals in the Army     0 
Army Staff - Drafted Workers
Soldiers (drafted Low Level Workers)  121,390Soldiers
Officers (drafted Medium Level Managers)  44,098Officers
Total number of Workers drafted  165,488 
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